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RV News August 10, 2019



Whats in a picture.  Memory of the past.  Hope for the future.  Art.  Entertainment.   Infinite number of different perspectives.  1000 words.

Rooney Valley has been changing for millions of years and we will have little impact on how it changes the next million years.

But for now.  For our time with Rooney Valley.  We have the gift that it gives.  In so many ways.

A prairie dog signaling danger.  A hummingbird at a cosmos. Elk in the meadow. Mountain bikes.  Hikers.  Dinosaur children.  Sunsets. The rocks talking to us about their million years story. The Valley.  The mountain ridge. The Sky.  The wind rain and thunder.  The music.  The engines. Motorcycles flying through the air. The people.

We should never take these moments for granted.  We should celebrate them when we can.

Jim Kinney and Rita Bertolli are welcoming you all to another wonderful opportunity to celebrate Rooney Valley.

When I mentioned I would start this thing called Rooney Valley News, Jim said he had been looking for a way to have a photography contest. For Jim, this was not an idle thought.  He is 69 and has lived in Jefferson County his entire life.   His boyhood home was located in what would become Lakewood 19 years after he was born.  He bought his first camera when he was eight and has had a life long interest in photography. And he treasures Rooney Valley.  Wants to share.  Wants to celebrate.  With all of you.

Rita is a driver.  She gets things done.  She and her family have done great things for Lakewood. And she loves Rooney Valley in all its dimensions.  And she is an expert when it comes to internet media.  A magician.  With a lot of passion for doing good things for good reasons.

They teamed up to do this.  A photo contest.  No financial reward to them or to Rooney Valley News or anyone except you folks who submit pictures.  They have obtained volunteer judges, including one person who studied art and photography at the Louvre in Paris, France.

So, you are cordially and most enthusiastically invited to take pictures and share them.  The button that opens the door to the contest is on the top section of this page.  They spent a great deal of time making this opportunity available to you all and Jim is available to help and answer any questions.

Have fun.  I and many others can’t wait to see – how you see – Rooney Valley.

And if you want to paint your picture with words.  A story.  A poem.  Send it to me and we’ll publish them along with the pictures.  This is your Rooney Valley.  This is our community.

Let’s celebrate it now before another million years passes.

John Henderson