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RV News September 20, 2020



Here is the original research report reporting data from the Jefferson County Assessor’s Office showing how much Solterra residents paid for the developed lots – including the cost of the infrastructure, cost of the land and profit to Brookfield – all before Brookfield charged “metro district advances”, allegedly for the cost of the infrastructure.


Conclusion:  Solterra residents paid for infrastructure twice.   They also paid Brookfield profit twice – $75.9 million in the cost of the lots and at least $21 million through the “metro district financing”.


And Brookfield wants Solterra to issue more bond debt to pay Brookfield more profit.


Here is the original report:

Final CostNarrative.word4


Here are the updated charts:


John – IndivLotCost_11x17


John – IndivTaxCost_11x17


John – LC_xlsx


John – LC_Summary