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RV News October 16, 2019

In case you haven’t’ seen it yet, here are the wonderful photographs of Rooney Valley.

Rooney Valley Photography Contest 2019

Jim Kinney put this together and did a fabulous job in the organization and presentation of the contest.  Jim had the idea to celebrate and honor the jewel that is Rooney Valley–and had the smarts to make it all work.  He and other community members put in countless hours setting it up, spreading the word, and securing funds and judges to critique and display the talented photography that we can all now enjoy of this beautiful gem, Rooney Valley.

Many thanks to the photographers, young and old who participated – there were many photographs that were really wonderful that did not receive awards but were so special in their own right, they deserved awards and recognition that just weren’t part of this contest.  Thank you all for sharing your treasures of Rooney Valley.

And again, thank you Jim, our judges, and community members for making a difference.  🙂
