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RV News October 16, 2019

It is no coincidence that within 24 hours of posting my piece regarding Adam Paul and Ramey Johnson on Next Door, that the positive and informative public discourse regarding the most important ballot issue in our community was . . . Silenced.  Censored.

Here is that piece again:

10 Reasons to Vote No on Adam Paul and Yes on Ramey Johnson

The depraved and cowardly influence either directly from Adam Paul or his supporters that silenced that Next Door discussion is a reminder.

That we cannot take our cherished freedoms for granted.

That there are always those lurking in the shadows, afraid of honest and open public discussion of the issues.

Who will use money and political power.

To silence. To Censor. To sabotage. To subvert.

Which makes it all the more important that our voices get louder and stronger.

Whatever your position – for or against Adam Paul and Ramey Johnson.  This is the most important issue of this election for our community.  Speak out. Email, Facebook, Next Door – whatever medium favors your voice.

Do not let those who would steal your right of free and public expression hear nothing but silence.

Because that is what folks like Adam Paul hope for.  Silence.

And, of course, one of the strongest voices is your vote.

Vote.  Loudly.


John Henderson




1 thought on “Censorship, Adam Paul Style

  1. Connie Mar, 2
    JeffCo request to eliminate Landscape buffers on new development in Rooney Valley
    Saw this sign two days ago while driving on Morrison Road. Am sure most people don’t see it, or don’t stop to see the details, which is what the county hopes.

    So, not just city of Lakewood wants to build all the way up to the sidewalks and streets, now the county wants to eliminate the landscape buffers in the Rooney Valley so developers can build every available inch of open land.

    Attachment with no description

    Here (N.D. post) is just another example of developer overreach at YOUR door step. The ONLY way to counter this is with a voter bombardment of the Co. Commissioners, as their ONLY agenda is re-elelcltion!

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