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RV News December 12, 2023



Brookfield asked for it at the last meeting.   Or at least the way they usually “ask”:  

“Tell your staff to do what we tell you to do and provide us with service” (paraphrasing – tape below)


Beginning at 00:06:20 – 00:10:18:



Here is the agenda item for tonight’s meeting at 6 pm:


“9. Director’s Matters

a. Discuss and Approve/Disapprove hold on Ravine work until agreement signed

b. Discuss and Approve/Disapprove the following possible actions for Solterra:

i. Solterra Filing 18 (12 taps)


ii. Solterra Filing 20 (16 taps)

iii. Solterra Filing 21 (59 taps)

iv. Inclusion of unfinished Solterra properties


v. Reject check for Solterra tap fees held since January 2023

c. Discussion and approval/disapproval of an interview committee for District Manager candidates”



Recall that Brookfield brought a lawsuit to force Green Mountain to provide this service outside the Green Mountain district.


Brookfield lost and the judge said “no”  –  Green Mountain did not have any legal obligation to provide service to the developer (Brookfield) outsider Green Mountain’s territory.



Ignoring the Judge and ignoring Green Mountain (again), Brookfield is (again) demanding service.


And now the board will vote on it.  


1.   Vote to say “no” (again) to providing service to Brookfield outside the district.


2.  Vote to say “yes” (like Adam Paul did in 2007 for Solterra) to provide service to Brookfield outside the district through an IGA.   Which will require:


  • amending the Green Mountain Service Plan to allow service to Brookfield outside the boundary (requires a public hearing)


  • And which will open the door to Big Sky and (why not) any developer anywhere else in Colorado to get sewer from Green Mountain


  • New service to residents who will not be part of Green Mountain but will pay Green Mountain for service and in a separate contract to maintain the system.  Something breaks or needs replacement – thats up to the new residents.  Like Solterra is now.


  • New residents may not vote in Green Mountain elections and will not pay property taxes to Green Mountain (no property tax at this time).   Like Solterra is now.


3.  Vote to say “yes” to provide service to Brookfield outside the district by making those small areas now part of the district through “inclusion“.    Its like “annexing” that part of Rooney Valley into the district.   


  • Follow procure in state law CRS 32-2-401 Inclusion –requires public hearing


  • New service to new residents who will be part of Green Mountain and Green Mountain owns and maintains and replaces the new system.


  • New resident may vote and subject to property tax by district (there is currently no property tax).


Now might be a good time to let your elected representatives on the board know whether or not you want to provide service outside the district boundary and if so, by IGA or inclusion.


Here is the zoom for the meeting tonight at 6 pm:


Here is the email for all the directors: