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RV News March 18, 2023



Who is the organization that paid for this facebook advertisement promoting SB23-110



Who is the Metro District Education Coalition.


  • They were created by the metro district industry to lobby against metro district reform following the Denver Post series on metro district abuse published in late 2018 early 2019.


  • Every time they testify, and bring with them 20 – 30 other industry people to testify, they introduce themselves as a “non-profit” “educational” coalition on metro districts.


  • These are the only “stakeholders” they parade through the legislative halls.  Residents who pay their bills are never  considered to be “stakeholders”.



So who are they, really.


Well, if you have ever seen a bond prospectus for  metro district commercial bonds and private developer bonds, you will recognize them.


Here they are on a typical bond prospectus:





Here is how they get paid according to a typical bond prospectus, contingent on the bond being issued:




And here are typical examples of how much they get paid (by the residents) to issue bond debt which is paid to the developer:





And here they all are from the MDEC website, including developer retained  engineers, management companies and attorneys.  These are the folks who created the “non-profit” Metro District Education Coalition:




And here are the separate lobbyists who the MDEC lobbying organization hired just to get SB23-110 passed in the legislature this year.   SB23-110 which legalizes unethical bond debt owned by developers:

The Capstone Group and Hall and Evans:




And who pays for all this.   The residents.

  • Residents, who, according to these folks are not qualified “stakeholders”.


  • Residents, who don’t count in the legislature.


  • Residents, who don’t have a voice.


  • Residents, who don’t even get to serve on their own governing boards because the developer cancelled all their elections and voted to eliminate their right to vote on issuing bond debt.


Its time to stop the abuse.


Stop SB23-110 which legalizes unethical developer bond debt.


And promise this is just the beginning of real reform.  Reform according to the residents.  Give them a voice.




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