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RV News September 30, 2021




Only a tiny fraction of the Green Mountain Water and Sanitation District voters have voted.






If you want to stop the developer take-over of the  board, you have to vote.



If you want to have a seat at the public policy making table for the distribution and accountability for public resources in Rooney Valley, you have to vote.



If you want to show the developer community – who thinks you don’t care and they should decide – that you do care and you do want to decide – you have to vote.



If you want to keep democracy alive at the level where it  matters the most,  you have to vote.



If the “no” voters don’t vote,

only the “yes” votes get counted.


It only takes one of their “yes” votes to return control of the board to the developers  if no one else votes.



Some folks will think they are making a statement by not voting.   A protest “vote”.



Unfortunately, the only statement they are making is that they don’t care.  And that is exactly what the developer community is  counting on.



Remember what Mr. Eadie said when this recall business first started on Christoper Smith (Arlen) facebook page back in January, 2021:


Mr. Eadie:  Unfortunately it might now be time to initiate a recall but most of the water district customers are fairly apathetic.”   


He said most of the residents are “fairly apathetic”.   He is counting on it.


Mr. Eadie, Mr. Furman (his wife Nikki Mayer is also posting on next door) along with Christoper Smith (Arlen) were talking about recalling the board to re-establish developer control over the Green Mountain Water and Sanitation District in order to facilitate development of Rooney Valley.


Again,  Mr. Eadie and Mr. Furman are well established ambassadors of  putting the developer community in charge.   They don’t want the citizens to have a seat at the table.


And they, as well as the developer plaintiffs in the dismissed litigation, know that you all are busy.  Don’t have as much time or money as they do.  May struggle to figure it all out.


They are counting on you throwing up your hands and not voting – because you are disgusted with all the name calling rancor or don’t know who to trust.


They are counting on you not voting.  And for every person who doesn’t vote, they’ll have a vote to recall the board and reestablish developer control.


Because it only takes one of their “yes” votes to make it happen – if no one else votes.


If Mr. Eadie is wrong, and you do care, you have to vote.


Some have understandably said its all just too complicated or unpleasant.  More important things to worry about.


  • But having a democracy takes some effort.  No one ever “gives it to you”  It is earned.  With every campaign.  Every vote.  If we don’t vote, it dies.


  • And its hard to sift through all the noise to get educated on the issues


  • To be sure  there are several people who are working their hardest to confuse and mislead.


  • But keep in mind what is happening here.


  • You all elected a board to run the water and sanitation district.


  • In a recall the people trying to push them out before the next election have to have a really good reason.


  • They have the burden to prove to you that something is so wrong that such a drastic change must be made now.


  • If they haven’t proven that to you – if its still really muddy – then they have failed to do their job to convince you that this drastic measure must be taken – a recall.


  • In those cases, the vote should be “no” because they have failed  to carry their burden of proof.


  • The burden is on the people behind the recall to prove the elected officials should be removed.


  • It is not the burden of the elected officials to prove they should stay


  • they already proved that when they were elected in the first place.


The District is in good hands.

  • No new taxes on residents.
  • Excellent staff taking care of the water and sewer.
  • Balanced budgets.
  • Bullying developer litigation won.
  • Divisive counsel replaced.
  • Jeff, Karen and Alex have done what you elected them to do and more.
  • They stood strong at every challenge to protect your seat at the table.


I paid my sewer rates but I never got to vote.  I wish I did.


If I had the vote I would vote “no” to the recall.


You have the vote that I never had.  Please don’t waste it by not voting at all.


John Henderson