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RV News April 21, 2020


Solterra, along with all the other special districts, have elections May 5, 2020.


Sort of.


There are two resident populated districts – Districts 2 and 3.


(District 1 is a postage stamp size “area”.  On paper, approximately 58 residents “opted in” to District 1 to fill a void left when Brookfield employees resigned from District 1 – minutes before the recall petitions were certified (June, 2017).   The District 1 board are the same people serving on District 2 and 3 boards – and have an inherent conflict of interest with District 2 and 3 boards.)


There are no contested elections for the two District 2 seats since Devon Neil dropped out.

Mr. Waterman, originally appointed by Brookfield in 2015, and who appointed most of the current board members following the recall in 2017, remains on both District 2 and 1.

Mr. Plumhoff, also closely aligned with Mr. Waterman and his group of supporters – and a supporter of the board’s decision not to restore the residents’ right to vote on future bond debt  and  a supporter of the board’s decision to issue new bonds with the savings on refinancing the old bonds – will now replace Andrew Martin (appointed by Mr. Waterman to replace a former Brookfield appointee who resigned immediately following the 2018 election)


Solterra Board – Yes, we are going to issue more bonds to pay Brookfield more profit and you don’t have a vote on the matter.



Solterra Board Refuses to Return Right to Vote Back to the Voters – We need Board members who will



So, no one to vote for in District 2.

And District 2 residents should expect  their representatives will continue to oppose any effort to restore the residents’ right to vote on future tax or bond debt.

And District 2 residents should also expect their  representatives to vote to refinance old bond debt and use the savings to issue new bond debt before the end of the year.

All without establishing through any independent evaluation whether or not Brookfield is entitled to any additional payments.  Go along to get along.


There is an election in District 3 for two seats.


J D Lobue, Craig Brown and Daniel Dominic are running for 2 seats.  Three candidates.  Two positions.


J D Lobue is the only candidate who is not part of the Waterman group.  J D is an independent critical thinker.  He worked hard with 25 other residents to collect signatures for the 2017 recall petition which stopped Brookfield from issuing another $30 million in bond debt (scheduled for June, 2017)  He also supports restoring the right of the residents to vote on future bond debt – taken from the residents by Brookfield in 2006 – and giving it back to the residents.


Mr. Brown was appointed by Mr. Waterman following the recall and Mr. Doninic was appointed by Mr. Waterman following Libby Anglin’s resignation last year.


Both Mr. Brown and Mr. Dominic oppose restoring the residents’ right to vote on future bond debt.


Both Mr. Brown and Mr. Dominic support issuing new bond debt to pay Brookfield more money without an independent evaluation of whether or not we owe any more money.


Mr. Brown also supported Mr. Waterman’s secret decision to sue our sewer provider (Green Mountain) at the request of Big Sky (led by Tom Morton – VP of Brookfield when Brookfield was running Solterra).  That lawsuit, initiated by Mr. Waterman and Mr. Brown, was dropped when it was publicly exposed – and the board was reminded that Green Mountain is under no obligation to renew our sewer contract which expires in 2023.   (Mr. Dominic was appointed after this disclosure.)


So, District 2, sorry that you do not have anyone to vote for.


District 3, you do have a choice.

9 board members representing the Waterman group and 1 board member (J D Lobue) representing the rest of the residents is not much of a balance.  But it is a beginning.


John Henderson