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RV News February 15, 2020


Someone steals my skis.   He gives them to you.   You know they are stolen skis.   That belong to me.  You will do the right thing.   You will give those skis back to me – the rightful owner.  It is the right thing to do.  It is the honorable thing to do.


In 2006, Brookfield stole our right to vote on future tax and bond debt.  The current Board inherited that right to vote.  Now they have it.  The honorable thing to do is give it back to us.  It belongs to us, all the residents of Solterra.  Not Brookfield.  Not the Board.

That right to vote is ours, guaranteed by the Colorado Constitution.


Here is how Brookfield stole our right to vote.    With a vote.

In 2006, Brookfield’s 8 employees “voted” to take away the right of future residents to vote on future tax and bond debt.  They stole our right to vote.


Here is that ballot issue that stole our right to vote:


Solterra Ballot Issue


Then, we recalled the Brookfield employees off the boards in June, 2017.  We now have residents (who opposed the recall, by the way) serving on the boards.  They were initially appointed by those who Brookfield appointed.


They, the board, inherited the power to impose taxes and bond debt that Brookfield took from us.  But they won’t give it back or even let us vote on whether or not they should keep our right to vote.


I want my right to vote back.  It belongs to me and the developer’s 8 employees had no right to take it from me.   The board has the power to return it to me.  They should return it.  But they won’t.


They support Brookfield’s decision to take away our right to vote.  Because they now have it and don’t want to give it up.  Don’t trust you to do the right thing.  They have all the answers.   No discussion.   No check and balance.


We have that right to vote on taxes and bond debt in Lakewood, Jeffco and the State of Colorado.  But we don’t have that right in Solterra.  Only the board.


They won’t even put the question on the agenda.  I asked.  Their attorney wrote back and said no.

Here is the email thread:



And the board’s attorney refuses to recognize a citizen initiative – signatures by residents to place the question on the May ballot.  They assert that  the citizen initiative right you have for the state, the city and the county – you don’t have for special districts.   No citizen initiative – all the power with the board – says their attorney.


There is a good argument that we do have the right for a citizen initiative, but it would take litigating the issue with the board’s attorney which will take time and money.   And, I have proposed new state legislation to our state legislators to make it clear – citizen initiative does exist in special districts.


All the Board – our supposed representatives – have to do – is put it on the ballot in May – and let us decide, not Brookfield, not the board, not a few residents on Next Door – let us, the residents – decide whether or not we can vote on tax and bond debt.


But they won’t.


A board that makes the important decisions in private meetings.  A board that until the past 8 months would not disclose the board packets without a freedom of information request.  A board that secretly plotted for over 8 months with Big Sky to sue our sewer provider until it was pointed out that our sewer provider can cancel the  agreement to provide sewer in 2023.   (Without sewer its back to outhouses in every backyard.)   A board that has spent  tens of thousands of dollars on legal fees defending Brookfield’s frivolous legal positions.


So, if the board won’t put it on the ballot, its time to elect board members who will.  May 5, 2020.


You have until February 28 to file a piece of paper to place your name on the election ballot for the board.  It is not posted on Solterra Connect the way it was two years ago.   First, you have to email the board manager to get the piece of paper.  Just another little way to maintain control.  Another small obstacle to make it just a little bit harder.    Here is her address:


You will have to do it.   You need to take back your community, once and for all time.   I’ve done everything I can.   As much as I want to, I won’t be running.   Its up to you.


And doing nothing is equivalent to “voting” to give up your right to vote – and give it to the board – who got it from Brookfield – who stole it from you.


John Henderson