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RV News February 27, 2022

Here are the metro district industry positions and residents’ response.

Rresponse to industry letter x

Rresponse to position paper


Here is how to testify at the Senate Hearing Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 2:00 pm.


Senator Tammy Story’s reform bill SB22 – 136 “Special District Governance” is now set for hearing on Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 2:00 pm.

This is our chance to be heard and tell our stories to those who can do something about it.

It is the third bill on the agenda.  The first two bills are procedural bills about special districts that do not contain any substantive reforms.  Senator Story’s bill, “Special District Governance” is the bill with metro district reform.  Here is the agenda:

Here is how to testify remotely, in person or present information.

If you want to testify remotely, here is a short set of instructions:

  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page where you will see How do you wish to testify?”
  • Click “Remotely via Zoom”
  • You will then see in red text, “Testifying remotely via Zoom”
  • Under there is a list of ways you can search for the bill: by committee, bill number, sponsor
  • You will then fill in your information
  • You should get a confirmation email with a link to the appropriate Zoom
  • Click on that link to enter the testimony “room” on the day of
  • They will announce when you are up next
  • When it is your turn, they will promote you to a panelist where you will have the ability to unmute and speak
Here again is the bill:

And a summary of Senator Story’s bill:

The reform bill does three things:

1.  Gives metro district residents the right to citizen initiatives and referendum which will allow the residents to repeal the abusive ballot issues passed by the developer and restore the residents’ right to vote on tax and bond debt.

2.  Requires full disclosure by the developer controlled boards to the residents that the residents have an immediate right to serve on the board and that the developer board members have a conflict of interest with the residents.

3.  Provides a fair process for residents to take their rightful seats on the board and stop non-resident developer employees from deciding how much of the residents’ money to tax and spend.

YOU CAN ALSO send an email to the senate Local Government committee that will decide whether to pass the bill to the House. Here are their names and emails:

Joann Ginal, Chair

Tammy Story, Vice Chair

Crhis Kolker

Larry Liston

Barbara Kirkmeyer,

YOU CAN ALSO  find and email your senator and representative and tell them to pass the bill SB22-136 Special District Governance.  Here is a link to find your senator and representative:

Thank you very much for your support.  Passing this bill will help stop metro district abuse.  Tuesday they need to hear from you directly.