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RV News September 22, 2021




The recall committee disclosed that they hired Denver based “Ground Organizing for Latinos” to knock on your doors and try to persuade you to vote “yes” to recall  Jeff, Alex and Karen off the Green Mountain Water and Sanitation Board.



Previously the recall committee hired other outside canvassers like “Ground Organizing for Latinos” to collect 75% of the recall petition signatures.  


Perhaps it was the same group – the recall group never identified the name of the first group of non-resident paid canvassers that collected 75% of the petition signatures.


Non-Resident Mercenary Pollsters Hired to Collect Signatures – Who is Really Behind the Green Mountain Water and Sanitation District Recall



Eddie Soto owns “Ground Organizing for Latinos”.  


He and another relative were part of the group that collected the petition signatures.



Mr. Soto is a Denver citizen activist who supports important progressive causes.





But he also runs a business.

  • And apparently doesn’t mind making money
  • Using  “Ground Organizing for Latinos”
  • to “ground organize” for a recall group
  • that is working hard to facilitate development of Rooney Valley
  • so the developer community
  • can make a bigger profit
  • by getting sewer from Green Mountain
  • instead of Mt. Carbon.






So what is Mr. Soto’s connection to Lakewood.







B K Evans – on Mr. Soto’s “friends” list.



We know B K Evans.

  • He is one of Adam Paul’s hatchet persons.
  • He helped organize, and personally appeared at, the failed campaign to use the District employees to undermine the board majority’s effort to make a decision about terminating the Big Sky IGA in January, 2019.
  • Blind email copies revealed Adam Paul’s direct effort to undermine the board as well.

(Mayor Adam Paul has a lot invested in Green Mountain’s extraterritorial service.  It was Adam Paul as Vice President of Green Mountain in 2007 who got together with Big Sky’s current attorney to cook up the plan to provide extraterritorial residential service for the very first time – Solterra in Rooney Valley.

  • without a public hearing
  • without getting permission to amend the Service Plan
  • without any effort to ask the residents what they thought about the idea of violating the Service Plan to guarantee higher profits for the developer.)




B K Evans is also the one who recently sponsored a “Solterra Bashing” facebook party enjoyed by several, including Christoper Smith (Arlen)



Here is a Facebook post initiated by B K Evans that mocks Solterra – pitting neighbor against neighbor:






B K Evans also works closely with two other promoters of Rooney Valley development along with Christoper Smith (Arlen)   –   Mr. Eadie and Mr. Furman.



And Mr. Furman and Eadie also recently contributed to the recall committee funding:


You may remember  Mr. Eadie and Mr. Furman’s conversation about recalling the board majority to reinstate developer control over the Green Mountain Water and Sanitation District.  


Here is that conversation from Mr. Smith (Arlen) now deleted facebook page:


January 12, 2021  conversation on Christoper Arlen’s facebook page:





Robert Eadie (long time promoter of Rooney Valley development as former member of Lakewood Planning Commission and Rooney Valley Commission created in 2016):


Mr. Eadie:  “These people (Green Mountain Board) are using our Water District for political objectives which is to block all development by preventing access to water [sewer was the issue, not water]. “


Mr. Eadie:  Unfortunately it might now be time to initiate a recall but most of the water district customers are fairly apathetic.”


Mr. Eadie:  “I have also heard but can’t verify that the District is being sued by developers.  Is this true?”  [law suits were filed in June, 2019 and had been pending for 1.5 years.]



William Furman (longtime promoter of development in Lakewood – former candidate for City Council who lost against David Skilling):


Mr. Furman:  ” . . . it is worth noting their efforts to use the water board for their political aim is at our expense.”


Mr. Furman: “The board’s legal fees since the take over have gone up five fold.  That is paid for by us.”


The “take over” he is referring to is  the constitutional election on May 8, 2018,  that replaced the developer controlled board with a citizen controlled board.


Mr. Furman seems to favor another “take over” to replace the citizen board with another developer board.   Return to the way it was before May 8.  With a recall.  This recall.  Plan B.


And finally, Mr. Smith (Arlen) contribution to that discussion, January 12, 2020:


Christopher Arlen:  “Yes.  I agree that the intent to the block development.  [appears to be “that the intent is to block development”]  I think a recall should certainly be on the table.”



And here we are.   Recall is on the table.



If you agree with “Ground Organizing for Latinos” from Denver, Mr. Eadie, Mr. Furman, Mr. Paul, Mr. Evans, Mr. Smith (Arlen) and Devon Neill, then you must vote “yes” on the recall and return control of the Green Mountain Water and Sanitation District back to the development community – just like May 8, 2018.



If you agree with the residents who have absolutely nothing to gain financially and support the board majority’s efforts to give you a seat at the public policy making table for land use  and distribution of scarce water resources, then you should vote “no” on the recall.



The ballot, and the future of your district, is now in your hands.



John Henderson