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RV News April 21, 2020


Special districts throughout Colorado are having their elections May 5, 2020.


There are 2 positions up for election in the Green Mountain Water and Sanitation District.  There are 6 candidates running for those two positions.


Here is the link to their names and biographies.  There are several very strong candidates:


As a result of my work the past 4 years on special districts and working  on the Big Sky / Green Mountain issue I have come to know three of the candidates well and would recommend them.


Rhonda Peters is very bright and a seasoned advocate for the residents on land use and water issues.  She was just appointed to the Lakewood Planning Commission and is well respected.  She knows the issues and will represent the residents well.


Eric Brown was one of the leaders of the effort to preserve Dinosaur Ridge from being overwhelmed by four mega car dealerships.  He later served on the Friends of Dinosaur Ridge board.  He knows the issues and will represent the residents well.


Mike Muller is a strong community leader and outspoken advocate on behalf of the residents.  He has been a consistent attendee and speaker at the Green Mountain and Lakewood City Council meetings.  He recognized early on the defects associated with the prior leadership of the board (prior to May 8, 2018).  He knows the issues and will represent the residents well.


Karen Morgan has worked hard to get herself known to the community.   She not only appears well qualified but is also conversant with the issues and supports the current board leadership.   On paper (digital) she presents as a strong leader and advocate for the residents.


Todd Hooks is an accountant with an architect firm and a real estate agent.  He is a long term resident.  Otherwise it is unclear what his position is on the critical issues facing the board.


Timothy Bonzer was a prior candidate for the board.  He had  along career with the Colorado Department of Public Health and experience in the regulation of hazardous materials.  It is unclear what his position is on the critical issues facing the board.


The residents of Green Mountain Water and Sanitation District are very fortunate to have several excellent candidates to choose from.   Congratulations to the residents of Green Mountain Water and Sanitation District.


( Footnote:  I do not have the right to vote.  :).  Unfortunately, residents of my community (Solterra) only have a contract for services with Green Mountain which expires in 2023.   Thanks to Adam Paul (then a member of Green Mountain board) and Tom Morton (then with Brookfield and currently running the Big Sky District),  they decided not to include Solterra in the Green Mountain District – we pay for the sanitation service but don’t get to vote (a consistent theme for residents of Brookfield developments).  And we own the pipes – and the expense of maintaining, repairing and replacing the pipes.   There is a way for Solterra to become a member of the Green Mountain District – what should be an agenda item for the Solterra Board – now that Solterra withdrew its complaint to sue Green Mountain on behalf of Big Sky.)


John Henderson