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RV News January 22, 2020

The Denver Post reports numerous examples – likely just the tip of the iceberg – where developers are running scared that residents will stop the special district abuse.

The developers are voting to pay themselves unaccounted for profits.

The developers are voting to issue bonds to write themselves a huge check.

In midnight votes.

Just as the residents are fighting back to take back control of their communities.


Solterra is another example.

In the face of a citizens petition to restore their right to vote on future taxes and bond debt, the Board declared that they are going to refinance the old bonds and use the savings to issue new bonds.

Another big check to Brookfield.

Somewhere between 0 and $31 million.

Your money.

With nothing to show for it.

And the Board won’t let you vote on it.

They object to restoring your  constitutional right to vote on it.


Here is the article:


John Henderson



1 thought on “Special District Developers Cashing Out As Residents Fight Back

  1. On a different, but related, matter, I am posting here a message received from Kathy Kantner about the white wash job the City administration is going to try to push through at the council meeting Jan 27 (next Monday). She is asking all to attend and make your positions know to council.

    Lkwd “implementation” of Initiative 200
    Attached is a link from Cathy Kantner on the above subject requesting citizens attendance at an important City Council meeting this coming Monday, Jan.27. Please take a look and share with those who may be interested in this subject.

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